Archive for the tag 'MAP'

Jul 20 2014

How do I know if Plan B worked?

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There are absolutely no indication that Plan B worked or failed. Not even the withdrawal bleeding (or failure to get) have any meaning. It is however very likely that it worked. You need to take a pregnancy test 21 days after you got in contact with sperm, and then repeat it 7 days later to […]

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Jul 20 2014

What happens after I take emergency contraceptives?

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Emergency contraceptives (like Plan B, Ella, Next Choice, i pill, My Way, Unwanted 72, Take Action, E Pills, ECee2, Pill 72, Postinor-2, Preventol, Agesta, Gynepriston, Milfepristone 72, Negele, Escapella, Escinor 1.5, Escinor 0.75, Postinor, NorLevo 0.75) work by shocking your fertility cycle to a standstill. Its only aim is to prevent you from releasing an […]

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