Jun 03 2009


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Contraception or Birth Control is a fairly simple subject. A baby can be created when a live sperm meets a healthy egg and the egg attaches to the Uterus lining. There are only a few ways to prevent it:

  • Stop the egg from being produced
  • Stop the sperm from being produced
  • Stop the sperm and egg from meeting
  • Stop a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus lining.

The Menstrual Cycle and Birth Control is related subjects. Understanding your Menstrual Cycle and changes to your body during it is helpful when trying to understand contraception.

Birth Control can be divided into a number of methods:

Natural – Try to predict when the egg will be produced and stop having sex when fertilization can take place or don’t have sex at all

Examples: Rhythm Method, FAM, Safe Days method, Abstinence

Chemical – Destroy the healthy sperm when it comes into contact with the chemical

Examples: Spermicide

Barrier – Stop the sperm from reaching the egg

Examples: Condom, Female Condom, Cup, Diaphragm, Pull-out, Outercourse

Hormonal – Stop the egg from being produced or stop the sperm from reaching the egg

Examples: Pill, Mini Pill, Patch, Injection, Ring

Permanent – Stop the egg or sperm from being produced or from moving if it is produced

Examples: Sterilization – Male and/or Female

Interference – Stop a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus lining

Examples: IUD, Emergency Birth Control

When selecting a birth control method, a number of things need to be taken into consideration:

  • Age
  • Marital and Sexual status
  • Access to medical care
  • Finances
  • Discipline

Condoms also serve as a barrier to the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Questions of fidelity and sexual history also have relevance in choosing a birth control method

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