May 10 2009

Sexual Response Cycle

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The sexual response cycle describes the physical changes that takes place when humans get aroused  and engage in sex. It consists of 4 distinct phases:

  1. Arousal – ‘I want it’ phase
  2. Plateau – ‘The work’ phase
  3. Orgasm – ‘The Pleasure’ phase
  4. Resolution – ‘Lets get dressed and continue what we were doing’ phase

These phases are the same for heterosexual sex, homosexual sex, group sex and masturbation. Even though the anatomy differs, they manifest themselves the same for men and women. The time spent in each phase and the intensity differs from encounter to encounter.

All 4 these phases does not need to take place but they do follow sequentially on each other. For example the following sequences are possible depending on the circumstances:

  • Arousal –> Resolution
  • Arousal –> Plateau –> Resolution
  • Arousal –> Plateau –> Orgasm –> Resolution
  • Arousal –> Plateau –> Orgasm –> Orgasm –> Orgasm –> Resolution
  • Arousal –> Plateau –> Orgasm –> Resolution –> Plateau –> Orgasm –> Resolution

The resolution looks differently if an orgasm took place or if the plateau phase went a while without orgasm or there was just arousal.

Female Sexual response Cycle






  • Vaginal Lubrication (Arousal Fluid)
  • Thickening of Vaginal Walls and labia
  • Tenting of the  inner Vagina
  • Cervix and Uterus lift
  • Swelling up of Clitoris
  • Nipple Erections
  • Sex Flush
  • Sexual Tension


  • Orgasmic Platform Forms when the outer third of the vaginal barrel engorge
  • Full tenting of inner vagina
  • Secretion of Mucus from Bartholin’s Glands
  • Withdrawal of Clitoris
  • Sex Flush
  • Sexual Tension
  • General muscular tension
  • Hyperventilation
  • Excessively rapid heart beat


  • Contractions of uterus from fundus to lower uterine segment
  • Contractions of orgasmic platform (0.8s)
  • External Rectal Sphincter contractions (0.8s)
  • External Urethral Sphincter contractions
  • Specific Skeletal Muscular
  • Contractions
  • Hyperventilation
  • Excessively rapid heart beat


  • Ready Return to orgasm with retarded loss of pelvic vasocongestion
  • Return of Normal Color and Orgasmic platform in primary rapid stage
  • Clitoris deflates and return to the unaroused state
  • Sweating
  • Hyperventilation
  • Excessively rapid heart beat

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