May 10 2009
Female Ejaculation – Squirting, gushing, peeing, cuming and the plain old dry orgasm
Female ejaculation is a very controversial subject. Although there are some real research and evidence that it is real, many health care providers does not think that it is real. Even within a group of women you will get many that does not believe that it is real Added to this the porn industry and the sexual education industry that flooded the market with fake female ejaculation videos and misinformation running rampant on the internet, advice groups and social media, and you have all the ingredients for chaos.
In medical literature the term ‘female ejaculation’ (FE) is used. Common slang terms used are squirting, gushing and cuming.
Definitions: Ejaculation, Gushing, Squirting, Peeing, Cuming and Orgasm
- Ejaculation (Male) – The act of discharging semen from the urethra during orgasm.
- Ejaculation (Female) – The act of discharging a fluid from the urethra during orgasm.
- Gushing – To emit a sudden and abundant flow, as of tears.
- Squirting – To eject (liquid) forcibly in a thin stream from a narrow opening.
- Peeing – Informal term for urination; “she took a pee”.
- Cuming (Male) – The expulsion of a thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract.
- Cuming (Female) – The expulsion of a white or clear fluid that is ejaculated by the female genital tract.
- Orgasm – The peak of sexual excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen by the male.
Female Ejaculation: Facts and Fiction
Ejaculation has always been considered a male function. That is even though various references have been made in literature over the ages about female ejaculation, fluid that squirts/exits/gush from the vulva during sexual activity. In ancient scripts these were called the ‘female seed’. This has been largely ignored by the medical industry. In recent years with the advances in the study of female sexual functioning, it has received renewed attention from researchers around the world. It has become clear that some form of female ejaculation do exists.
This should not be surprising. Recent research has shown that the male and female reproductive tract are more the same than was previously accepted. This is because the embryonic tissue that boys and girls are made from are the same. The difference is the blueprint to put those building components together and some customizations. We have seen for example that the clitoris has large internal structures just like the male penis. It contains the same tissue and make up with the same structures for erection. The difference is in the external size and the fact that the urethra does not run through it like the urethra of a male runs through his penis. It is thus a small ‘male penis’ with the excretory functions removed. The only function left in the clitoris compared to the penis is sexual pleasure.
To take this further, the same tissue used to form the male prostrate gland has been been discovered in the female body. It surrounds the urethra between the vulva and the bladder (internally of course). It is between the pubic bone and the vagina.
The theory behind this is that the same glands that are present in the man are also present in the female. Because of the differences in sexual organs between men and women, the function of these glands differ. There are also differences in how these glands are connected to the body.
It is thus interesting to start by having a quick look at male ejaculation.
Male Ejaculation
Male ejaculation happens at the end of sexual stimulation for the male. Without getting into all the exceptions to the rule, ejaculation is the male orgasm. During ejaculation, the semen is ejected through the urethra with rhythmic contractions. These rhythmic contractions are part of the male orgasm. The typical male orgasm may vary from a few seconds up to about a minute. After the start of orgasm, pulses of semen begin to flow from the urethra (pee hole in the head of the penis) and reach a peak discharge and then thin out. The typical orgasm consists of 10 to 15 contractions, each bringing an extremely pleasurable sensation at the head of the penis. Once the first contraction has taken place, there is no way to voluntarily prevent ejaculation taking place. This is called the ‘point of no-return’ or the point of inevitability’ The rate of contractions gradually slows during the orgasm. Initial contractions occur at an average interval of 0.6 seconds with an increasing increment of 0.1 seconds per contraction. Contractions of most men proceed at regular rhythmic intervals for the duration of the orgasm. Many men also experience additional irregular contractions at the conclusion of the orgasm.
The force and amount of semen that will be ejected during an ejaculation will vary widely between men and may contain between 1.5 and 5 milliliters. Adult semen volume is affected by the time that has passed since the previous ejaculation; larger semen volumes are seen with greater durations of abstinence. Also, the duration of the stimulation leading up to the ejaculation can affect the volume. General hydration of the male’s body will effect the volume. If he drinks enough fluids it will be more than when he does not take in enough fluids. It is normal for the amount of semen to diminish with age.
The conclusion is that the amount of semen ejaculated are measured in spoons rather than cups or liters.
Semen content
The sperm passes through the ejaculatory ducts and is mixed with fluids from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands to form the semen, or ejaculate. These seminal vesicles produce a yellowish viscous fluid rich in fructose and other substances that makes up about 70% of human ejaculate. The prostatic secretion, is a whitish (sometimes clear), thin fluid containing proteolytic enzymes, citric acid, acid phosphatase and lipids. The bulbourethral glands secrete a clear secretion into the lumen of the urethra to lubricate it.
The man’s diet will determine the taste of the semen. Fruit juice will sweeten the semen. The most notable of these juices are pineapple juice. Smoking and coffee will give the semen a bitter taste.
Male Orgasm and Ejaculation
Semen begins to spurt from the penis during the first or second contraction of orgasm. For most men the first spurt occurs during the second contraction. A study showed between 26 and 60 percent of the contractions during orgasm were accompanied by a spurt of semen.
In a man, the sperm and ejaculate (semen) are manufactured over time and is stored in body reservoirs purposely made for storing ejaculate (1/3 in the prostrate, 2/3 in the seminal vessels). Male ejaculate is also very limited in volume (2ml – 5ml) at a time (a teaspoon or less), despite the fact that there are these pre-filled dedicated reservoirs for storing it and more are available. Male porn stars that cum like a horse are faked through various well known techniques.
Female Ejaculation
Female ejaculation (FE) is a controversial subject. The general consensus today is that female ejaculation is real. Very little is still known about it. Thanks to the internet, the portrayal of FE is however far removed from reality. Woman that wet the sheets and sends streams of ejaculate across the room is as far removed from reality as the male porn star that ejaculates a cup full all over a woman’s body.
What is Female Ejaculation?
Female ejaculate is a fluid that comes out of the urethra (pee hole) during sexual stimulation, not from the vagina and certainly not from any of the glands of the vulva.
The latest research on female ejaculation does not show a direct correlation between Female Ejaculation and the Grafenberg Spot (commonly known as the G-Spot) or Female Ejaculation and the female orgasm. The only relationship found is between Female Ejaculation and sexual stimulation. This does NOT mean that women does not ejaculate when they orgasm or when their G-Spot is stimulated. It means that the stimulation of the G-Spot or orgasm is not required for a woman to ejaculate.
What you most often see in pornography and on the web dished up as Female Ejaculation or “squirting” today violates everything we know about engineering, biology and anatomy. It certainly does not pass the “smell test” (no pun intended). It should be viewed the same way as a male porn star with a 12 inch penis pumping away for hours at a frantic pace without reaching climax, or the male porn star covering his co-star with ejaculate. It is a myth and just because you do not know how they did it does not make it real.
With this I am not saying that this does not occur at all. I am sure it does but only as the exception. I am saying that there are far fewer men with foot long penises, the stamina of an Olympic athlete or enough ejaculate to fill a cup or woman that can squirt across the room, can fill a cup with squirt or can insert a football or 2 liter soda bottle in their vaginas than you might think. In the old days these would have been the “freak show” with the travelling circus, not a normal occurrence. Just like the woman levitating or being sawed in 3 pieces for the magician is not real, even if you saw it with your own eyes, the depiction of Female Ejaculation in pornography in the fast majority of cases does not represent reality.
Unfortunately much of the research on female ejaculation quotes the same old research over and over and over. Many times the popular press does not even mention the studies by name so that you cannot determine if they are writing about truly new research, independent of previous research. So what sounds like overwhelming proof, simply does not stand up to close scrutiny. Studies are limited to a few researchers, a few women and many years between studies.
The theory starts with the development of male and female fetuses and the prostratic material present when the fetus is created. In the male fetus it forms the male prostrate. It is now widely accepted that it forms the urethral sponge in the female, a gland that is about the thickness of a finger surrounding the urethral channel, from the opening in the vulva to the bladder.
In a man, the sperm and ejaculate (semen) are manufactured over time and is stored in body reservoirs purposely made for storing ejaculate (1/3 in the prostrate, 2/3 in the seminal vessels). Male ejaculate is also very limited in volume (2ml – 5ml) at a time (a teaspoon or less), despite the fact that there are these pre-filled dedicated reservoirs for storing it. Male porn stars that cum like a horse are faked through various well known techniques.
Although it is commonly accepted that the equivalent tissue making up the male prostrate is found around the urethra in a woman, research has not found any evidence of the equivalent of the seminal vessels in women. Ejaculate fluids are not stored in any body part of a woman. There is no proof or even a suggestion from any medical source that any fluids of notable qualtities are stored in these Skene’s ducts (female prostrate).
So any female ejaculate needs to be manufactured during sexual arousal for release during ejaculation. This can be anything from a few seconds to hours in time but normally only a few minutes.
During sexual stimulation, there is no research indicating that up to a cup of fluid is stored in these glands. It is anyways impractical to think that that amount of fluid can be stored in the Skene’s glands without it looking like the woman has a golf ball or a tennis ball or a cup in her vagina. If you store much more than a spoon full of fluid in these glands, a woman will look like a giraffe that swallowed a soccer ball.
The theory is thus that this fluid is manufactured within a fraction of a second (0.8 seconds to be precise as that is the rhythm of the contractions) . Nowhere in the human body can any fluid be manufactures at a rate even close to that rate, not menstrual fluid, not blood, not saliva and not urine. Urine is however the fluid that is manufactured the quickest. Add to that that even if you emptied the bladder before arousal, the change in pressure on the bladder because of the swelling up of other organs and the movement of the uterus coupled with the contractions in the vagina, cervix, uterus, anus and bladder is able to expel fluid from the bladder that was retained there after urination and that built up during sexual activity. You see the same effect in pregnant woman having to urinate more frequently because of the enlargement of the internal organs and increased pressure.
How do researchers distinguish between urine and female ejaculate? They measure the presence of the prostatic fluid, PSA, in the ejaculate. PSA comes from only the prostrate, male or female. The interesting thing is that even the woman that does not report ejaculation secretes PSA. In testing post-sexual urine, PSA is present in most urine samples. This is not true at all without sexual stimulation. The amount of PSA is very low for both ejaculate and urine.
Urine is however yellow with a distinct smell. The ejaculate is clear and without a smell or taste. Some experiments were done where urine was taken from the bladder via catheter, before, during and after sex. The fluid coming from the bladder up to 90 minutes after sex is a clear odorless fluid. It is not yet clear where this fluid comes from. In some woman that ejaculated it contains PSA. It contains PSA in all women that did not ejaculate. It might thus be an indication of retrograde ejaculation. Instead of the ejaculate exiting the urethra’s opening, it squeezes backwards into the bladder. This process is further helped during orgasm when not all valves function as they should.
Another explanation is that during sexual arousal the process of making urine changes to produce this clear odorless fluid. PSA is secreted directly into it. This theory actually serves a evolutionary purpose. Women in the cave man era could wash their genitals after copulation using this clear and odorless liquid.
Latest Research (see reference 5)
The latest research to determine if female ejaculation, squirting and gushing are different phenomena with different fluids actually found the predicted difference (by now you should understand that it is physically impossible for gushing and ejaculation to come from the same mechanism and place).
“..provided new biochemical evidences demonstrating that the clear and abundant fluid that is ejected in gushes (squirting) is different from the real female ejaculation. While the first has the features of diluted urines (density: 1,001.67 ± 2.89; urea: 417.0 ± 42.88 mg/dL; creatinine: 21.37 ± 4.16 mg/dL; uric acid: 10.37 ± 1.48 mg/dL), the second is biochemically comparable to some components of male semen (prostate-specific antigen: 3.99 ± 0.60 × 103 ng/mL).” The conclusion is “Female ejaculation and squirting/gushing are two different phenomena. The organs and the mechanisms that produce them are bona fide different. The real female ejaculation is the release of a very scanty, thick, and whitish fluid from the female prostate, while the squirting is the expulsion of a diluted fluid from the urinary bladder.”
How To FE
A common technique to ejaculate taught to woman today is to:
- Urinate before sex
- Get lubricated
- Get continuous stimulation all over your genitals.Stroke the Labia Minora, the Vestibule, around the mouth of the Vagina
- Pay special attention to the front wall of the Vagina (belly button side). Stroke formly up and down along the length around the pubic bone
- When you feel like you want to urinate, continue with the stimulation.
- When you feel like peeing, don’t hold back, bear and push down letting “go”
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