Archive for the tag 'Delay'

Jul 20 2014

How do I take a 3 phase pill to delay my period?

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A three phase pill (triphasic) have 4 different types of pills (3 active pill types and the 4th inactive week pills), each with its own unique hormonal makeup. Every week is normally a different colored pill. These pills are tailored to each phase of a woman’s cycle, and it minimizes the hormone dosages. The pill […]

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Jul 20 2014

How do I delay my period?

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The question normally starts with: I am going to see my boyfriend/husband, or I am going to a beach party/swimming/party/sleepover/camping/bus trip/the prom/a wedding/athletic meeting/dance competition, how do I delay my period. There are various old wives tales on how to delay your period. The only reliable way is with birth control pills. Birth control pills […]

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